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 Donalsonville Municipal Airport

 Donalsonville, Seminole County, Georgia

Current Conditions

Today is Saturday, July 27, 2024. The time is 12:13:27 AM

 Latest available conditions on July 26, 2024
 The current data is not up to date

Graph Weather Data

Conditions at 12:00 PM EDT on July 26, 2024
 77.8 °F
 Relative Humidity
 88 %
 Dew Point Temperature
 74 °F
 Wet Bulb
 75 °F
 Atmospheric Pressure
 30.05 in. 55
 Wind Direction
 Wind Speed
 3 mph
 Wind Gust
 6 mph at 12:00 PM
 Heat Index
 79.9 °F
 WBGT Index
 85.3 °F 55
 2 Inch Soil
 85.9 °F
 4 Inch Soil
 86.2 °F
 8 Inch Soil
 87.8 °F
 Soil Moisture
 20.9 %
 Solar Radiation
 0 W/m2
 Cumulative Rain Since 12:00 AM
 0.01 in.
 Max Air Temperature
 92.7 °F at 6:30 PM
 Min Air Temperature
 71.9 °F at 3:45 AM
 Max Wind Speed
 13.1 mph at 4:34 PM

Yesterday's Conditions